My life is a drama
Unfolding on a stage unseen
Where the seats are filled with puppets controlled by me
My life is a soliloquy
An ode of pain
Masked with Joy
My torn heart
Painted to look whole
When it’s broken
My mind runs endless sequences
Of should-a-could-a-would-a’s
Events that forever replay
For my own secret viewing
My imagination running
From the mundane
Into a world where
All things are possible
Where the monster kills the hero
The lovers find no happy ending
And the lost puppy ends up in the pound
Guilt plays a major role in this
It makes the drama more dramatic
The scenery more drab
The lines seem suicidal
The masks more real
Truly hiding what’s really inside
My hurts covered by masks
Painted happy
My sorrow masked by a mask
Of laughter
I must confess that mine is
A painful life
Only you will never know because
The façade is so real
But despite all this drama
There has only one thing
That remains firm as a rock
It breaks through my masks
And shines whole and free
From my broken heart
It has the power to take me
From my play of depression
To a reality so positive and sure
And this is it: My Faith
In God, in Jesus His Son
And In His Spirit
It catches me at times unaware
Beginning with a song
Thoughts form in my mind
And a whole new drama
Unfolds in my spirit
It’s the story of my pain
Mixed with my themes of sorrow
But it has a twist before the end
That twist happened
When God stepped in
He re-wrote the lines of my script
Shaping them to suit His purpose
He gave me Joy, Peace
And much Happiness
He’s the reason I still live today
It’s His Will that keeps me breathing
His Love that keeps me
Safe from myself
My life is a drama
Switching from black clouds & rain
To rainbows and sunshine
My masks are not wholly gone
I still resort to them
When I need to
But God’s Light in me
Can never be disguised or hidden
My life, A Drama